The coconut - a miracle cure or a high calorie source?
The coconut is currently considered a super power in all aspects. It gets used as an all-rounder not only for skin care products and cosmetics, but also for food. But where does it actually come from and is it good for your health? COCOBAE has done some research for you and compiled some facts about the exotic coconut.
Good to know:
Where is the „nut“ coming from?
The coconut is the product of the so-called coconut palm. The original origin has not been handed down, because the nut - which is actually a drupe and not a nut - can float on the sea for a long time without spoiling. Today, however, we find them most often in countries such as Southeast Asia and Central and South America. In Germany, you can buy the exotic all year long in various forms. The coconut palm is also very resistant. Due to its flexible trunk, it can withstand tropical storms.
What is the structure of the coconut?
On the outside, the fruit is coated with a green to light brown, waterproof skin. This is removed immediately after plucking. This is followed by the well-known fibrous layer. Underneath is a 0.5 cm thick but still very strong skin with the so-called "3 eyes". Once you have "cracked" these, you come across the white pulp, in the middle of which is the coconut water.
Good to know: The more water a fruit contains, the fresher it is!
What else the coconut can?
In some countries, the shell is still used today to make objects such as the well-known coconut mats or vessels, handicrafts or spoons, for example. In addition, the shell is also used to get the already known and popular activated charcoal.
The pulp can be eaten raw or dried and then processed into so-called copra. From the copra then things like coconut flour, coconut milk, coconut shavings etc. are won.
Today, coconut water is often consumed pure under the name of "superfood".
Use of these products in everyday life?
Today, the coconut flakes are mainly used in pastries, sweets or muesli.
The coconut milk belongs - especially in Asia - to the most important ingredient in the kitchen. Also in Germany it gets more and more often used for cooking. Its high fat content makes it a good vegan alternative to cream.
Coconut oil is also getting used today as a substitute for the usual rapeseed, olive, sunflower oils or even butter. Due to its high smoke point, it is said to have an antibacterial effect. It can also be used for skin and hair. It moisturizes and nourishes the hair.
That the coconut also has positive effects on the teeth, you already know! The use on the teeth is to fight tooth decay. In addition, our beloved activated charcoal powder is made from the coconut shell. How exactly it works you can read here!
What the coconut really is?
The pulp is relatively high in calories, with 360 calories per 100 grams. Half of it is water, but 1/3 of it is pure fat. The less healthy fat. Although it also contains a lot of fiber and potassium, which is important for our organism, the fruit should be consumed only in moderate amounts.
Coconut water is considered very popular among athletes and fitness enthusiasts. It is very low in calories and fat. In comparison to the pulp of the coconut, it is very low in fat. Especially after sports or even on warm summer days, when the body has lost fluid due to a lot of sweating, the coconut water is very good to regenerate the mineral balance.
Coconut is not unhealthy, but it's not the magic it's touted to be!
It contains a lot of fiber and minerals such as potassium, sodium, copper, iron, etc.. It is very good for our skin and teeth. However, it should be consumed in moderate amounts due to its high fat content. Especially for weight loss, it is not particularly helpful. But not harmful either!
The COCOBAE-Team !!!